Kuansong Victor ZHUANG

Profile picture of Victor, smiling at the camera. He is wearing a pair of metal rim spectacles and a grey sweater over a white collared shirt

I am currently Visiting Fellow, Discipline of Media and Communications at the University of Sydney and concurrently, International Postdoctoral Scholar at the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University. I was a former Chevening scholar in 2013/14, and a 2022/23 Princeton University Fung Global Fellow.

I am a disability studies scholar working at the intersections of disability, media, cultural and communication studies. My research focuses on disability and inclusion in contemporary societies such as Singapore. I am also exploring questions of digital inclusion, in particular, the sociotechnical imaginaries of disability in emerging technologies, and the intersections of sustainable futures and disability in smart cities. I am also interested in articulations of disability arts and culture, and disability media representation.Â