Kuansong Victor ZHUANG

Profile picture of Victor, smiling at the camera. He is wearing a pair of metal rim spectacles and a grey sweater over a white collared shirt

I am Assistant Professor in Disability Communication at the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University. I was a former Chevening scholar in 2013/14, a 2022/23 Princeton University Fung Global Fellow and visiting fellow at the University of Sydney in 2023/2024. 

I am a disability studies scholar working at the intersections of disability, media, cultural and communication studies. My research focuses on disability and inclusion in contemporary societies such as Singapore. I am also exploring questions of digital inclusion, in particular, the sociotechnical imaginaries of disability in emerging technologies, and the intersections of sustainable futures and disability in smart cities. I am also interested in articulations of disability arts and culture, and disability media representation.